The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Employers Network

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Employers Network
The Employers Network is a National Network committed to equality, diversity and social inclusion; supporting organisations to develop awareness, understanding and skills to promote equality and tackle discrimination.

The Employers Network is for:

  • Public Sector Organisations
  • Private Sector Organisations
  • Large Work Based Learning Organisations

The Employers Network for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion has been in development since 2015. We now have in place; resources, partners, materials and funding to support the work we do. The Employer Network covers all aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace and the working environment. We focus on delivering high quality practical advice, products and services to our members.

We aim to help organisations turn theory into practice. Working with business closely, we understand the real issues faced by employers and the barriers you come across when trying to make change happen.

 What the Employers Network provides for members

Membership of the Employers Network offers members access to hundreds of resources, all available to download from the Network website. Amongst other benefits, members have access to:

  • free telephone and email support on any equality, diversity and inclusion matters affecting your organisation. We will be available to answer any questions you have from a teaching, learning, management or training perspective.
  • free copy of the Diversity Calendar, with your organisation's logo
  • download any of our Equality and Diversity Posters and Podcasts
  • 9 Protected Characteristic Booklets - electronic copies to put on your intranet
  • Review of policies
  • 5% discount on all in-house training booked with us
  • free places on selected Open Courses

 The Network Aims:

  • to promote equality and tackle discrimination based on any of the Protected Characteristics
  • to foster good relationships between diverse groups in society
  • to support both organisations and individuals to develop and improve their equality practice
  • to offer support to individuals and the organisation to engage in appropriate staff development and training which increases their ability to deliver on this agenda

 What the Network does

  • Draws together a wide range of information about all aspects of equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights
  • Provides its members with the information, expertise and understanding they need to promote equality, tackle discrimination, and to foster good relationships between diverse groups.
  • Provides a space for developing dialogue, experience, skills, understanding to improve and develop professional equality practice
  • Strengthens the contribution of organisations to public policy by sharing expertise and advancing shared views
  • Provides consultancy, advice and support to member organisations

 What's on offer?

A wide range of resources put together to meet the needs of individuals and organisations. The needs will be met through:

Alyson Malach. Director of Equality and Diversity UK
Click here
to find out more about our Director, Alyson Malach
  • Subsidised Professional development workshops
  • Providing professional development opportunities for equality practitioners
  • Peer support and practical advice from members
  • Development of an online equality resource library
  • Production of factsheets and briefing notes
  • A voice for practitioners
  • Developing the understanding, knowledge and skills of professionals and individuals
  • Update on new and existing equality resources
  • Individual and organisational advice and guidance

 The EDUK Blog

All Network members get access to the EDUK Blog, which is regularly updated with news and features on all aspects of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  • provides an understanding of current equalities legislation
  • explores good and developing practice
  • explores the some of the long term and underlying causes of disadvantage that need to be addressed by education providers
  • provides practical tools to implement equality into teaching, learning and everyday practice for: employers, education providers (specifically FE and WBL but where relevant including topics that support schools and other providers of teaching, learning and training)
  • researches areas of policy, practice and need.
  • commissions initiatives in order to gain a better understanding of the latest policies, practice and development.


On the EDI Network, there is a large online resource library. All of the resources are free to download. Resources cover all of the Protected Characteristics.

 Membership Cost

Annual membership of the Employers Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network is:

£295 per year for employers with less than 250 employees

£495 per year for employers with more than 250 employees

Click here to join

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