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Equality and Diversity Open Training Courses

Delivery of Open Courses

Note that we deliver open courses online via Zoom video conferencing - contact us for information

Open Courses cost just £395 per delegate

We are specialists in the design and delivery of cost effective, face-to-face equality, diversity and inclusion training, social justice training, facilitation, coaching and consultancy for public, private and third/voluntary sector organisations.

We deliver a wide range of courses around this complex agenda including 1-1 support, mentoring, advice and guidance. We also develop tailored resources for organisations to deliver on this agenda.

If you would like to make an enquiry, please  click here

open training diversity courses

All online Open Courses are run via Zoom and are £395 per delegate.

All courses can also be run in-house. For details, visit our Training Page
training timetable   course booking form
We also offer all of these courses as in-house online training.
A full day in-house course for up to 20 delegates is £895 - less than £45 per delegate. Find out more
train the trainer course london manchester

Train the Trainer

One day in-depth training on the effective delivery of equality and diversity. This workshop will enable you increase your effectiveness in designing, planning and delivering Equality and Diversity within your own and other organisations

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equality, diversity, inclusion training manchester london

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Essentials

This course covers the principles of Equality and Diversity in the workplace including both awareness and responsibilities. This course explores attitudes, values and belief in a safe and fair environment taking it far beyond the legislation. We look at the business, moral and legal case for equality.

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unconscous bias training london manchester

Unconscious Bias

The training is intended to alert participants to bias that could affect decisions regarding recruitment, promotion and attitudes to others in the workplace.

The programme includes flexible working initiatives and mentoring

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Anti Racsim training

Anti-Racism Training

Half of Black Britons say they are just as likely to have experienced racism at work as on the street. This course will introduce you to the complex lived realities of race and ethnic diversity in British society and explore institutional racism, systemic social inequalities, and patterns of discrimination in the workplace.

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equality impact assessment training london manchester

Equality Impact Assessments

Starting at the very beginning, this course takes delegates step by step through all the key elements of the Equality Analysis process.

We will demystify the EA process, assume little or no prior learning and focus on giving delegates time to debate issues, ask questions and then put into practice what they learn.

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equality champions training manchester london

Equality Champions

Equality Champions (often known as Diversity Champions) are recognised as playing a central role in disseminating good practice and encouraging the promotion of equalities within organisations. Equality Champions should be formally represented on the Board of Trustees and/or Equality and Diversity Committees

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Micro Aggressions Training

Micro Aggressions Training

This course encourages delegates to learn about micro-aggressions and what causes them to occur, explore their impact on our interactions with others and increase our awareness of strategies to manage and reduce them.

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race, faith and diversity training

Race, Faith and Diversity

This training course deals with managing diversity in the workplace.

It is targeted at supporting staff and managers to proactively plan to meet the needs of racially diverse people.

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courageous conversations about race training london manchester

Courageous Conversations about Race

Knowing what to challenge, when to challenge and how to challenge can be difficult. There are many situations where discrimination is subtle. You'll come away with a clear understanding of when and why challenge is necessary.

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Philosophy behind our open training events, conferences and seminars

If organisations are to successfully implement equal opportunities, staff need to update their equality and diversity knowledge, skills, experience and personal and professional development.

The UK is becoming increasingly diverse; in order to meet the diverse needs of service users and staff, employers need to be pro-active in all that they do to promote equality and diversity.

Equality and Diversity UK provides a range of equality and diversity 'intimate' seminars, workshops, briefings, training programmes, information, advice and guidance, all of which support organisations to promote equality and diversity and foster good equality practice. Our open training programmes support delegates to reflect on their attitudes, actions and practice, which helps individuals to increase their self awareness, confidence and competence.

We are skilled at engaging even the most sceptical delegates and in delivering training which is supportive and inclusive.

As well as the following seminars and training events, we also offer tailor-made in-house equality and diversity training courses

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