Good Practice Pocket Books
This is a set of nine pocket books based around good EDI practice.
They can be purchased individually for £10 each or as a set for £75
Click here to purchase
Creating Accessible Learning Materials
Summary of Resource
- Excellent, succinct resource which points the reader in the direction of improving their learning resource/presentation
- This is so versatile it can be extended to all policies, procedures, etc.
Suggested Use
- Can be used by all staff to review their existing materials
- The audit team can use it to ensure materials are accessible
- Support staff can use it to develop accessible policies, procedures and letters, etc.
EDI Everyday Good Practice
Summary of Resource
- Find out where the on the
EDI spectrum you are and
how to improve that position
- Will support you in using more
inclusive language and terminology
- Helps you to be creative in developing accessible teaching/learning resources
Suggested Use
- Use it to inform and develop staff practice
- Use to challenge preconceived ideas, myths and misconceptions
- Use to build and foster an environment of acceptance and understanding
What you are required to do about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Managers and Team Leaders
Summary of Resource
- Helps you to understand what learning providers are required to do under equality and human rights legislation and how to be aware of the EDI requirements of Ofsted inspections
Suggested Use
- Use it to inform and develop staff practice
- Use to challenge preconceived ideas, myths and misconceptions
- Use to build and foster an environment of acceptance and understanding
Fostering Good Relations
Summary of Resource
Recognise discriminatory language and behaviour
Promote inclusive language and behaviour
Deal with discrimination in a way that supports victims, promotes change and fosters good relations
Deals with disclosure of learners
Suggested Use
Staff development and training
Staff briefings
Partnership learning and working
Part of learner development
Changing practice within the learning and working environment
EDI Data Collection and Analysis
Summary of Resource
A detailed pocket book on how to collect, analyse and monitor data and use it to plan
Suggested Use
To help change/update the current data sets
To report more effectively
To support monitoring and closing gaps
EDI in Curriculum Design, Planning and Delivery
Summary of Resource
- Overview of the important consideration in fully embedding EDI into curriculum design and planning, and how to effectively build and embed EDI into the curriculum
Suggested Use
As a foundation for staff training
Circulate to staff via curriculum meetings and staff meetings
Supply a set of the pocket books to each curriculum team
Everyday EDI Good Practice for Volunteers
Summary of Resource
Excellent, succinct resource which points the reader in the direction of improving EDI practice with managing volunteers
- This is so versatile it can be extended to work experience students, apprenticeship learners etc.
Suggested Use
Can be used by all
- Can be shared with volunteers and used to develop an assessment checklist for use with volunteers around EDI
- Can be shared with staff external to the organisation to support their management of volunteers
Creating Accessible Websites
Summary of Resource
Helps you to:
understand the needs of disabled people wishing to use your website
- produce web content that is easy to understand and tells them what they want to know
- present information in an accessible way so the site can be used and navigated using a range of technologies
Suggested Use
As a foundation for staff training
- Circulate to support staff via team meetings and inset days
- Supply a set of the pocket books to each member of the IT/Technology team
- Provide a copy to students studying web design/development
Making Organisations more Accessible for Disabled People
Summary of Resource
A detailed pocket book on how to make reasonable adjustments to a wide range of areas such as buildings, resources, reception areas, canteens etc.
Suggested Use
To help in the induction and management of volunteers
- To provide support and information on EDI to volunteers new to the organisation
- Use the booklet to review your management of volunteer practice
- Buy a set of the pocket books for all volunteers