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Managing EDI for Support Workers

Support Worker Resource Pack

Managing equality and diversity in meeting the needs of learners who are named as requiring additional or special educational support

This resource provides an overview of equality legislation and how it applies to everyday practice in the workplace.

It focuses in particular on the role of the support worker in an educational setting.

The resource explains how harassment, bullying and the use of discriminatory language work against each of the ‘protected characteristics’. It also offers strategies that can improve practice, modify behaviour and meet the diverse needs of learners.

Managing equality and diversity support staff

Price: £50.00

Modules in the Resource Pack (Click Module number to view)

Core duties and responsibilities
Special educational needs (SEN)
    At-risk/vulnerable learners
Equality and diversity rights and responsibilities at work
    Your employer’s responsibilities
    Your personal responsibilities
Activity 1: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Activity 2: Self-assessment of skills/experience
What is equality and diversity?
Equality and diversity legislation
What are the protected characteristics?
Types of discrimination
   How does this relate to learners with SEND?
Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion for all
   What do we mean by inclusive teaching and learning?
   Preparing yourself for inclusive teaching and learning
Activity 3: Equality Act quiz
Activity 4: Case study
Activity 5: Diversity champion
SEND Code of Practice
    Implementation of the Code of Practice
    Transitional arrangements
    Equality and Special Educational Needs
    Post-16 settings as commissioners of SEND services
Conditions often associated with SEN
    Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD)
    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Asperger syndrome
    Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD)
    Gifted and talented
    Physical impairments
    Visual impairment
    Hearing impairment
    Specific learning difficulties
Providing support for SEN learners
    Role of the SEN co-ordinator (SENCO)
    Role of the support worker
    Ensuring communication between support workers and subject teachers
    Individual educational plan (IEPs)
Activity 6: SEN reform quiz
    The problems with language
    Language related to age
    Language related to disability
    Language related to sexual orientation
    Language related to gender
    Language related to gender identity
    Language related to race
Activity 7: Discriminatory language
    What is bullying?
    Who are the victims of bullying?
Practical tips for challenging unacceptable behaviour
Activity 8: Excuses
Activity 9: I was only kidding!
Activity 10: Handling discrimination in the classroom
Designing your support programme
Planning how you will support learners in lessons
Delivering learner support in lessons
Activity 11: Identifying good practice
Activity 12: Learner support needs
Assessment: Supporting learners with SEN
Appendix 1 References and further information
    Module 3
    Module 4
    Further guidance on the SEND Code of Practice
Organisations providing specialist support
Useful websites and resources

Appendix 2 Activities for learners
Disability wordsearch
Race and culture wordsearch
Acceptable and unacceptable language
Who are you?
What’s in a name?
Race equality quiz
Equality Act quiz

Appendix 3 Answers to the module activities
Activity 2: Self-assessment of skills/experience
Activity 3: Equality Act quiz
Activity 4: Case study
Activity 5: Diversity champion
Activity 6: SEN reform quiz
Activity 10: Handling discrimination in the classroom
Activity 12: Learner support needs
Assessment: Supporting learners with SEN
Managing equality and diversity for support workers Click for sample


Managing EDI for Support Workers: £50.00

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