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Equality and Diversity in Recruitment and Selection Training

The aim of this Recruitment and Selection training session is to ensure all participants are aware of the impact that the Equality Act 2010 has made on recruitment and selection processes within their organisations.

Session Overview

Interviewing is a skill not just a matter of judgment. To support managers to successfully implement the equality and diversity elements of the Equality Act in recruitment and selection. This session is a practical one to enable you to get the most out of your candidates and make fair and equitable selection decisions.

Two significant factors can be seen to be having a continuing impact on the nature of the workforce in the UK, both with implications for recruitment and selection activities: demographic change, and the use of more flexible less traditional working patterns, including the growth in outsourcing.

Equality and Diversity in Recruitment and Selection Training Course

This course is available as an In-House Course only

In House Training Enquiry

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Over coming years the workforce is set to become more diverse in terms of gender, age and ethnic balance, building on changes that have already happened:

  • In relation to gender, there is a continuing trend for more women to enter the workforce, raising issues such as equal pay and the provision of childcare.
  • In relation to age, falling birth rates and greater longevity mean that by 2030 46% of the UK population will be over 50 – compared with 33% in 2002.
  • Pension changes will also impact in this area, leading to many people working for longer.
  • In relation to ethnicity, by 2020 net migration accounted for more than 40% of the growth in the working age population.

All of these matters are important and complex and will take serious consideration by organisations during recruitment as well as other employment activities. Employers will need to do more to both attract and retain a more diverse workforce.

To maximise the participation of different age groups within an organisation’s workforce and encourage age/generational diversity, the particular needs and expectations of each age group will have to be taken into account in designing jobs, in recruitment activities and in induction into the workplace. Although not homogenous in their expectations, there are some common themes that are apparent in the different generations at work.


The trend away from a reliance on ‘permanent’ full-time contracts of employment to the increasing use of more flexible and atypical working arrangements – eg homeworking, compressed hours working, term-time contracts and part-time arrangements, as well as outsourced services and contracts for services – can be seen to be a continuing one. The reasons for this include:

  • legislation – i.e. the unfair dismissal rights of employees, agency workers’ rights
  • employee expectations about work–life balance
  • changes in career paths as knowledge workers move to self-employment
  • organisations’ utilising a range of options to resource their non-core functions
  • organisations’ requiring increased flexibility in terms of hours of work
  • location, skills development and the duration of the employment relationship
  • in order to respond quickly to market demands
  • government policy on outsourcing and efficiency in the public sector


After completing this course you will:

  • understand why it is important to adopt sound recruitment and selection practices
  • be able to identify the constraints and opportunities presented by legislation in this area and be prepared to keep up to date with forthcoming changes
  • appreciate the need for rigorous HR planning and job analysis as a starting point for the whole recruitment and selection process
  • be able to choose appropriate sources of recruitment and methods of selection, depending on the nature of a vacancy, and be willing to evaluate the outcome of your decisions
  • be able to identify the factors needed to ensure an effective induction process that meets organisational and individual needs
  • be more able to anticipate and plan for the demand for new employees
  • be better placed to find suitable sources of employees in the labour market.

Who is this course aimed at?

This Interview Skills training Course is suitable for anyone with recruitment and selection responsibility who wants to better understand how to build equality and diversity into recruitment and selection and deal more effectively with equality related issues. Ideal for HR (Human Resources) managers or anyone who interviews candidates as part of their job role

What's covered?

  • Equality Act 2010
  • Preparing for fair selection
  • Interview structure
  • Interview questions
  • Managing diversity - before interview, at interview, after interview
  • Listening, questioning and probing skills
  • Recording and feedback
  • Do's and don'ts

You will gain:

  • essential knowledge about the Equality Act 2010 and its impact on Recruitment and Selection
  • practical hints, tips and techniques for fair interviewing and selection and managing diversity at interviews.
  • a clear understanding of good interview behaviour/actions and its benefits.


In House Course

Half Day: £595

Full Day: £895

Courses run via Zoom, recommended maximum 10 delegates per session - up to 15 if required
Face to Face courses: maximum 20 delegates per session

Travel costs are in addition for face to face courses. Please see our Costs and Agreement

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Open Courses

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Equality Champions

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It is targeted at supporting staff and managers to proactively plan to meet the needs of racially diverse people.

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Delegates learn about the impact of micro-aggressions on interactions with others and increase awareness to manage and reduce them.

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In House Training Enquiry

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